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MartiThaWizz Admin
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The idea behind this update was to bridge the distance needed between netherite and the upcoming nether re-work and all the mobs coming to the nether to ensure everything was balanced properly.

I've decided to add Silver ore to Arg. Silver can be found in big rocks which generate in Arg with a dungeon like behavior of generation. They are protected always by three chunky mini bosses called Silver Golems! The dungeon generation is randomized please do note just like any dungeon it has an equal chance to spawn the only thing changed is that you can't for example find silver rocks very near each other.

Silver golems have 500 HP Each and deal 6-7 damage to a full netherite set although do note their attacks are slow dodgable and very manageable especially with two people. They also drop 1-2 Silver Pieces.

Silver works different than other ores, once you put an ingot into a table you'll get 9 pieces now these pieces can be used to craft armor tools without needing molds, normal recipes. I plan to in the future use silver for more recipes and some upcoming Tekkit-alike elements that I'm working on.

Silver can be sold in the shop 1.5k per ingot. Meaning from some rich resource rocks you can make up to 10k of Dragon Coins, I recommend for our community to up the overall sell prices of all custom ore accommodating with this change.

During this development session I've also figured out health bars for mobs so you'll see many more mini bosses and mobs for all worlds in the future.

⚠Do note update will be fully live in 2 days once the new Arg finishes pregenerating. Wanted to announce this so I can continue dishing out updates in the time being. ⚠

Silver Ore (Update 9.2) 22 days ago

Hello Dragon Shield community! We're excited to announce the release of Update 9.1 with several important fixes and new features.

Fixes & Improvements

  • ✅ Fixed All Textures across all versions
  • 🗑Removed all Custom Nether and End item textures
    • Making way for upcoming complete re-works!

Holy Knight Changes

  • 🚫 Removed the Holy Knight shortcut, will have to reach it manually
  • 🚫 Removed the Holy Knight Soul Trader
  • ✨ Added New Drop: Light SpellBook of Radiance
    • When cast, clears all status effects
    • Grants maximum hunger to all players within 10 block radius
    • A blessing from the heavens!

New Magic Hopper

  • 🔮 Introducing the Chunky Hopper
    • Added a new type of Magic Hopper called Chunky Hopper
    • Collects all items in the player's simulation distance (8 chunks around the player)
    • This is also why it's so expensive - meant for specific mega farms for end game users
    • A wiki on the magic hopper system is coming soon

Coming Soon

  • 📚 Comprehensive wiki on the Magic Hopper system

What are you most excited about in this update? Let us know in the comments below!

Dragon Shield Update 9.1 25 days ago

Please provide more info on this, all seems to work fine

Plz help me 25 days ago

Give me your in-game name and reply to this once you're online ^ ^

daily rewards 25 days ago


Hey everyone! We're excited to announce a complete overhaul of our Jobs system to make your gameplay experience more rewarding and balanced. Do note all job data has been reset so users can get new rewards, this was announced previosly!


We've analyzed the current economy and job progression and found some issues we wanted to fix:

  • Some jobs weren't rewarding enough for their difficulty
  • The leveling curve flattened out too much at higher levels
  • Certain materials weren't appropriately valued
  • Removed all other jobs for now other the ones down listed


We've rebalanced jobs to better match risk and effort with rewards:
We have also decided to max out job slots to 8 for playtime ranks Viscount having 2 slots  and Viceroy having 8!


  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Hardest to level up!)
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 3.5x base income with 15% level scaling
    • Significantly increased XP requirements for leveling
    • Deepslate ores +30% value
    • Diamond & Emerald ores +20% value
    • Ancient Debris +15% value
    • 40% stronger penalties for placed ores (no cheating!)


  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 2.2x base income with 13% level scaling
    • 20% higher rewards for hostile mobs
    • Boss mobs (Dragon, Wither, etc.) give 35% more rewards!
    • Slight decrease for passive mobs (-10%)
    • Higher penalties for harming villagers
    • Risky but potentially fast progression


  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 2.3x base income with 14% level scaling
    • Increased high-tier equipment enchanting rewards by 25%
    • Increased rewards for enchanting Netherite items by 30%
    • Implemented graduated rewards based on enchantment level
    • Resource intensive, specialized



  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 2x base income with 12% level scaling
    • All logs and wood give better rewards (+15-20%)
    • Rare woods (Cherry, Mangrove) give +20% rewards
    • Stripping logs is 25% more profitable
    • Improved rewards for crafted wooden items (+15%)


  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 1.9x base income with 8% level scaling
    • Increased decorative block rewards by 25%
    • Increased rare block type rewards by 20%
    • Decreased common block rewards by 5%
    • Material intensive but low risk


  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 2.1x base income with 11% level scaling
    • Increased rewards for complex potion ingredients by 20%
    • Increased rewards for nether-based ingredients by 15%
    • Implemented graduated rewards based on potion complexity
    • Specialized with material requirements



  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 1.8x base income with 9% level scaling
    • Decreased common crop rewards by 10%
    • Increased rare crop rewards (Wither Rose, Chorus) by 15%
    • Increased rewards for berry harvesting and complex farming
    • Easy but time-consuming


  • Difficulty: ⭐
  • Changes:
    • New income formula: 1.5x base income with 7% level scaling
    • Decreased rewards for basic exploration by 15%
    • Implemented higher rewards for rare biomes
    • Added biome-specific exploration rewards
    • Easiest job due to abundance of new chunks in our large server worlds


  • Early levels (1-10): ~+10-20% money, ~+10% XP
  • Mid levels (11-50): ~+20-25% money, ~+10% XP
  • High levels (51-100): ~+25-30% money, ~+15% XP
  • More satisfying progression from level 1 to 100


Jobs Update (Update Patch 9.0) 27 days ago