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Custom ore crafting
JunPixel Moderator Member
1 posts
1 topics
Minecraft: Junpixel
11 months ago

Hello there fellow adventurer!

    Assuming that you have already found yourself some netherite gear I would like to tell you about the topic of custom ore crafting!

   On Dragon Shield at the time of writting this guide we have a few custom ores:

Enderite - a necessary material to craft every custom ore armor, tool or weapon. Can be found in most end islands as a custom ore.

   And ores which go in a linear progression starting at: 

Malachite < Amber < Ruby < Jade. 



Remember that to get the next ore you need a pickaxe from the previous one.

All the information about custom ores can be found here: https://wiki.drgnshield.com/worlds/durel/custom-ores!


  Which compared to other vanilla materials does seem to have a bit of a more complex formula, which I'll explain in simple steps!

1. Get yourself 9 enderite to craft a mold.


2. Use a netherite tool, weapon or armor piece with the mold to get a mold of specific type.


2.5. If you're making a tool or weapon, remember to craft netherite sticks instead of normal ones!


3. And now using your ingots/gems and/or netherite sticks, place them in the same configuration as you would with a vanilla item, but remember to place the molds in the remaining spaces.



And now, you should be able to craft all the current custom armours and tools with the new available ores and knowledge!

Last edited: 10 months ago